HIKE meets Crossroads of Cultural Routes in Besançon

On 25 November 2024 in French Besançon took place the conference “Crossroads of Cultural Routes”, jointly organised by the European Association of Via Francigena Ways (EAVF) and Grand Besançon Métropole, with financial support from the Ministry of Culture.  This event brought together eight European cultural routes — such as Via Francigena, St James ways (Camino […]

HIKE project completed its activities in Greece

The Path of Greece team wrapped up the final activities of the HIKE project in Greece on the weekend of 18 – 20 October with three hikes: the first was in the area of Pozar Thermal Baths, the second was an exploration along the scenic paths from Edessa to Profitis Ilias, and the third was […]

HIKE in Turchia per le due camminate finali del progetto HIKE

Dopo le camminate-evento in Italia lungo la Via Francigena organizzate da AEVF e quelle in Grecia lungo la Via Egnatia con Paths of Greece, il calendario HIKE si sposta in Turchia per la parte finale del ricco programma itinerante del progetto con due weekend lungo la Via della Tolleranza. Culture Routes Society, partner del progetto, […]

HIKE moves to Türkiye for two weekends of free walks and activities

After widely-participated events in Italy along the Via Francigena and Greece along the Via Egnatia, HIKE project moves to Türkiye for the final series of walks and a rich programme of activities along the Tolerance Way. The project partner Culture Routes Society (CRS) and the Sports Department of Izmit Municipality offer two weekends full of […]

HIKE: δεύτερο Σαββατοκύριακο εκδηλώσεων στην Ιταλία – μεταξύ αθλητισμού και φύσης 

Το έργο HIKE ολοκλήρωσε τις δραστηριότητές του στην Ιταλία με ένα Σαββατοκύριακο κατά μήκος της Via Francigena στο Νότο, στις επαρχίες Ostuni και Brindisi (περιοχή της Απουλίας). H Via Francigena είναι μία ιστορική πολιτιστική διαδρομή, αναγνωρισμένη από το Συμβούλιο της Ευρώπης και συνδέει το Canterbury με τη Ρώμη. Το Νότιο σκέλος της συνεχίζει για περισσότερα […]

HIKE saluta la Puglia con un weekend all’insegna di sport e natura 

Dopo il successo degli eventi di metà settembre, il progetto europeo HIKE è tornato in Puglia con l’Associazione Europea delle Vie Francigene per un altro weekend di pura energia! Dal 27 al 29 settembre 2024, oltre 160 persone hanno partecipato a una tre giorni ricca di camminate, pedalate, sport e visite guidate lungo la splendida […]

Settimana Europea dello Sport 2024: #BeActive con HIKE

La Settimana Europea dello Sport, celebrata dal 23 al 30 settembre 2024, rappresenta un’importante iniziativa promossa dall’Unione Europea per incentivare l’attività fisica e sensibilizzare il pubblico sull’importanza di uno stile di vita attivo e salutare. La campagna, lanciata nel 2015, mira a contrastare la sedentarietà e le malattie correlate promuovendo il movimento a qualsiasi età. […]

Το πρόγραμμα HIKE συνεχίζεται στην Ελλάδα: Via Egnatia και τα Μονοπάτια της Ελλάδας

Μετά την έναρξη του έργου HIKE στην Απουλία της Ιταλίας, η περιπέτεια συνεχίζεται στην Ελλάδα τον Οκτώβριο του 2024. Η πόλη της Έδεσσας θα αποτελέσει το επίκεντρο μιας σειράς υπαίθριων δραστηριοτήτων με δωρεάν συμμετοχή, που θα συνδυάζουν πεζοπορία, πολιτιστικές δραστηριότητες και εργαστήρια και θα διοργανωθούν από την Κοιν.Σ.Επ. Μονοπάτια της Ελλάδας από τις 11 έως τις 20 Οκτωβρίου. Το […]

Discover Via Egnatia in Greece with HIKE and Paths of Greece

Following the events of the HIKE project in Puglia, Italy, the adventure moves to Greece in October 2024. The town of Edessa will be the focal point for a series of outdoor events, combining hiking, cultural activities, and workshops organised by the Paths of Greece on 11 – 20 October 2024. The programme, divided into […]

HIKE kicked off in Puglia along the Southern Via Francigena 

The HIKE project offered an exciting programme of activities on 12 – 15 September in Italian region of Puglia, involving over 100 participants in a series of walks, sport events, and cultural activities.   The event, organized by the European Association of the Via Francigena in collaboration with the Puglia Region and the partner municipalities, took […]